‘Family Camp’ held across both sites in June 2023 brought the home education community together to learn, play and network.

Jul 31, 2023 | Green Heart Venue, Wild Group Camping Site

The collaboration between Dominika Baran, Creative Roots & Kevin Button, Bridging Nature  created a place where children could roam freely and safely in an extensive piece of land overlooking rolling hills and forests. 

The Green Heart Venue and Wild Camp Ground provided a great location to hold the camp both in terms of its beautiful holding landscape and its proximity to Frome, Bath and the surrounding area.

Over the weekend a number of local workshop leaders attended offering family foraging walks, bushcraft activities, natural seasonal crafts, circus skills, kirtan, family yoga, fire by friction ‘the art of fire making’, forest school activities for children, a men’s group, spoon carving, pottery and singing.

There was also plenty of time to relax, listen to some live music and join in a dress up family disco.

Those attending really enjoyed and appreciated the gatherings hosted by Ed explaining the changing practices on the land, the history of what’s gone before and the plans for the future.  The re-wilding projects being of particular interest and importance.

A first for the site was the addition of a mobile Sauna and although the weekend was very hot it added an important element to weekend and will be visiting the site again in the near future at other events we are looking to hold.

The ability for us to visit the site prior to holding the event enabled us to plan the best layout for each activity, group space, camping & eating areas etc.  We were able to mark out which sections we wanted to be mown prior to guests’ arrival which helped clarify designated zones within the site and provided vehicular access to the camping area for offloading and re-loading.  The option to tap into the grant funding available supported our ability to create a wonderful weekend enjoyed by everyone who came along.

With over 150 people attending and a waiting list for tickets we are very pleased with how the family camp went and are keen to host it again in 2024 so watch this space!

Chesterblade Hills