Hopeful February…
Well here we are edging towards Spring and leaving the short days and dark nights slowly behind us. The snowdrops are out and primrose leaves are forming. Hope springs eternal and we’ve been enjoying reading Human Kind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman, a book that focuses on the innate goodness and cooperation between humans that exists despite all the attention given to fearful and negative aspects. This also ties in with our increasing understanding of how the natural world cooperates and collaborates to succeed, as opposed to the survival of the fittest and ‘selfish gene’ winning out. Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life is another fascinating read in this regard as we learn more about the unseen mycelial networks beneath our feet in the soil connecting up all that’s above.
Kindness Festival
Talking of which, great to see this new idea happening 1st – 6th March, The Kindness Festival organised by the wonderful people at The Good Heart cafe in Frome. As part of the festival, there’s a book club discussion on Gregman’s Human Kind. Check it out and get involved…
Green Heart & Wild Camping Bookings
#Staycation! We’re offering a 50% discount for overnight group bookings across both our Green Heart and Wild Camping sites throughout March and April. It’s a beautiful and tranquil location out in the fresh air. Contact info@chills.org.uk using the discount code: SPRINGCHILLS
Thank you to all those who entered our annual competition too. We had a great response and are looking forward to welcoming new and returning faces over the coming months.
Tree Planting
On a break from studying for her A Levels this summer, Lauren helped Dad out last month planting some saplings grown from last year’s seeds. From saplings planted a year ago, we’ve only had one plant that failed to survive, so we’re pretty pleased with that success rate.
Frangipani Style
Each month we feature one of our lovely tenants here at Chesterblade Hills and this month we say hello to Frangipani Style. Established in 2010 whilst on holiday in India, Ben and Clem created the concept for these beautiful shirts, designed in London and made in India using 100% Indian cotton and organic inks and dyes. They only produce small runs which are never reprinted, meaning all their designs are unique and limited edition.
Courses & Classes
Here’s a couple of links to other clients who are offering courses and classes here at the moment:
Caravan/Campervan/Vehicle Storage & Workspaces
We now have facilities available to store undercover vehicles and towing items in secure premises on the farm throughout the year. We also have workspaces available for working on vehicles. Contact Ed on 07966 510552 or email at chesterbladehills@gmail.com for more details.
We’ll be planting trees and hedges over the next couple months.
Other landscape projects include creating wildflower meadows, making and installing bird boxes and pond creation.
Easy Fundraising
We’re now signed up as a cause with Easy Fundraising. This helps us achieve our wider environmental goals on the land to help hold carbon and water in the landscape and create more wildlife habitat. To sign up as a Chesterblade Hills supporter click here. It will cost you nothing and will help us get good stuff done.
The Cosmic Calendar
Today begins the Ash moon tree month in the Celtic calendar – a month of storms, floods and rains that fertilize the earth. The ash trees of ancient Europe towered high above the landscape with a thick trunk and deep roots. The Celts interpreted three characteristics for this tree: expansion, growth and higher perspective. The incredibly complex root system also symbolized remaining grounded, even whilst expanding upwards and outwards. The wood of the ash tree was used extensively in ritual practices as it burned with an intense heat, even when green.
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